I decided to enter the #KidLitVibes Twitter contest this year. Thanks to the great folks who organize this contest.
The rules state you have to spin the wheel and write a story about the feeling you land on using just 125 words. My arrow stopped on Powerful. Sigh. I almost spun again. Sadly, I couldn’t really think of a time in my childhood I felt powerful.
But this idea of a little girl helping her scared puppy instead of letting fear overwhelm her popped into my head. So, here goes…

125 words
Rain falls. Pitter-pat. Pitter-pat.
Puddles form. Splat! Splat!
Rumble. Crack!
Lucy jumps.
POP. Power’s out.
The room plunges into darkness.
The puppy shivers. Lucy’s lip quivers.
Mommy shines a flashlight. She makes shadow bunnies dance on the wall.
Lucy laughs.
Crack! The windows rattle.
Her laugh sticks in her throat.
Each BOOM from outside
vibrates in her chest.
Lucy hugs her puppy.
His shivers have become shakes.
The poor little guy is scared to death.
“We’ll build a fort,” she tells him.
It’s cozy inside.
The lightning flashes dim.
The thunder claps quieten.
“There,” she says.
“It will be okay.”
His body stills.
The storm moves past.
“See, that wasn’t so bad.”
He licks her hand.
Tail wagging.
Crawling out,
she stands tall.
Update: I received an honorable mention for this entry. Thanks to the organizers!