I look forward to this contest every year. A huge shout out to Susanna Leonard Hill, who puts this together. Read more about her and the contest here.
This year, I couldn’t decide between writing something in rhyme or not, so I have two entries! It’s allowed, so I thought I’d give it a shot.
Without further ado, here are my two entries, beginning with the rhyming one:
The Haunted House Dare (95 words)
by Melissa Miles
On Halloween night, we brace for the chill,
our black capes trailing as we climb the hill.
The house up on top is known for its scares,
but my brother Jack accepts ALL the dares.
Up the front staircase, we tiptoe and creep,
knowing we cannot risk making a peep.
Jack raises a hand, he’s ready to knock—
“Oh no, what’s that?” It’s the click of a lock!”
The door swings open, we’re caught unaware!
There’s a huge green goblin hovering there.
He dances a jig, and flashes a grin,
“Hooray, I have trick-or-treaters again!”

The Glamorous Little Goblin (99 words)
by Melissa Miles
It’s time for the big Halloween Bash!
Gloria Goblin dances before the mirror.
She twirls on tiptoe,
She boogies, jives, jitter-bugs, and waltzes.
Gloria gazes at her reflection.
I’m glamorous.
I’m marvelous.
My costume rocks.
She sets out into the night chill.
Some kids shout “Grotesque!”
“Look at those pointy ears.”
“You’ve got fangs instead of teeth.”
Gloria skips by, thinking, Imagine mixing up glamorous with grotesque! How silly.
At the festival, Gloria wins the prize for Best Mask.
She clutches her trophy with pride.
I won for best mask without even needing one!
I’m glamorous AND marvelous.