Mom, author, nurse, teacher . . . reading the world around me

Search results: "contests"

Kidlit Writing Contests

*Updated 5/23 If you follow my blog, you’ve seen that most of my posts lately have been related to writing contests for creators of kidlit. I thought I’d take a few minutes to write an actual blog post about why I enter so many of these, and why you should consider them if you haven’t […]

Holiday Contest 2024

Thanks to the wonderful Susanna Leonard Hill, kidlit writers have fun holiday contests to enter throughout the year. A huge shout out to her, the other judges and all of the wonderful prize donors. Here is my entry for this year. The stipulations for 2024’s contest were for the story to be a mystery with […]

Halloweensie 2023

If you’ve followed my blog for awhile, you know I love kidlit writing contests. This year’s Halloweensie contest has the following guidelines. Tell a kid-friendly Halloween story using some form of the words, werewolf, superstition and fright–in a hundred words or less. Here’s my entry: Luna, the Not so Scary Werewolfby Melissa Miles100 words For […]

Fifty Precious Words

If you’ve followed me for a while, you know I love to enter kidlit writing contests. They’re a great way to hone your craft, learn revision skills, and create a narrative arc with a very limited number of words. Plus, you get a chance to engage with the wonderful kidlit community. It’s a win-win. I […]

Resources for Writers

Specifically for KidLit writers: Organizations: The Highlights Foundation Offers in-person and virtual workshops, focused on creating diverse books for children and teens. Scholarships available. SCBWI The international professional organization for authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults. Offers in-person and virtual conferences with opportunities for networking. Scholarships and grants available to members. […]


Thanks for stopping by my author website! I hope you’ll find the links and resources here to be helpful in your own writing journey. The best advice I can give any aspiring author is to find other writers to share all of the highs & lows of the publishing world with you. How? Everyone is […]

Children of the Bog

I’ve come to love holiday writing contests. This is my entry to Susanna Leonard Hill’s wonderful Halloweensie writing contest. The rules require you to write a Halloween story with kid appeal with a max of 100 words–including some variation of the words treat, slither, and scare. Children of the Bog (100 words) Halloween night, adults […]

The Rest of the Story

A few weeks ago, our pastor asked me to share a story or memory about my sister during her memorial service. I managed to pull myself together enough to share a story that took place at my grandfather’s funeral many years earlier. I’ve had people ask me about it, and share with me how much […]

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